Contains various fonts in the OpenType (CFF) format. This allows to leverage the high quality of FreeType 2.5+ CFF rasterizer contributed by Adobe. dejavu-otf.tar.gz contains the DejaVu font family, compiled from source (sfd). droid-otf.tar.gz contains the Droid font family, compiled from source (sfd). liberation-otf.tar.gz contains the Liberation font family, compiled from source (sfd). linlibertine-otf.tar.gz contains the Linux Libertine fonts compiled from source (sfd). Includes both Biolinum and Libertine fonts. tahoma.otf is the Tahoma font recompiled from TrueType using FontForge. webfonts-otf.tar.gz are the Microsoft core fonts (such as Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana, Trebuchet MS etc.). These are recompiled from TrueType using FontForge. Install your preferred way (most often just put into ~/.fonts and run fc-cache -f -v). You can check if the fonts are being used with fc-list. You can also remove the old ttf fonts and replace them with the new otf fonts; that'll make sure there are no clashes, otherwise you'll have to somehow make sure that the otf font is being preferred. You can use mkfontscale followed by mkfontdir to create the indexes for X, however for most things this is not required.